Our Fund Raisers
Tired of Cookie and Bake Sales?
Need a new way to refresh your fund raising efforts?Try our "Butt Sale". This one is a no brainier pre sell our Pork BBQ and feed your supporters family dinners instead of cake or cookies!
Chicken Dinners Make a date and feed your organization chicken dinners and keep 50% of the revenue for your charity or cause. Call (816) 256-2001
Ribfest Our BBQ Team travels and competes in Ribfests for causes. Call us today to participate and help your Ribfest raise money and awareness for your event.
Cooking for Causes

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Let's Embrace Autism Today. Raises money for for kids on the spectrum with their needs from hyperbaric treatments to summer camps and aids to help integrate kids into the real world. Understanding is just the beginning - these kids need to learn self management just to survive. Please donate today.